online fundraising

Posts categorized as online fundraising

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Best Fundraising Ideas for College Clubs and Organizations

Best Fundraising Ideas for College Clubs and Organizations

College groups and clubs usually need extra money for various reasons, from funding a service project or buying supplies for an event to attending conferences or events. There are loads of great reasons for college clubs and organizations to fundraise.

But let's be honest, you've probably experienced that awkward walk past yet another fundraising table on campus. Even if it's a worthy cause, it can be tough to justify buying yet another baked good or participating in one more "change for change" campaign.

Have no fear; we've rounded up some great fundraising ideas for college students, clubs, and organizations that don't involve those awkward fundraising tables or uncomfortable conversations!

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5 Nonprofit Grassroots Fundraising and Advocacy Campaign Best Practices

5 Nonprofit Grassroots Fundraising and Advocacy Campaign Best Practices

Nonprofit advocacy and grassroots fundraising campaigns offer your supporters different ways to get involved in your mission, attract new donors, and expand your network. Nonprofits are utilizing this strategy more than ever to go beyond the standard fundraising campaigns and encourage their supporters to take different actions throughout the year.

If your organization is considering incorporating these strategies into your fundraising campaigns, we've got some best practices and insights to help you plan an influential and effective grassroots and advocacy campaign!

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Donor Retention After Giving Tuesday: 6 Practical Strategies

Donor Retention After Giving Tuesday: 6 Practical Strategies

With the flurry and rush of Giving Tuesday behind us, it's so tempting to think the work of that campaign is over. But really, the most critical stage has just begun! While many people are motivated to give to campaigns and causes because of Giving Tuesday's momentum and social pressure, we all know that relationships and authentic connection to the cause are the roots of excellent donor retention.

Don't make the mistake of overlooking your Giving Tuesday donors. It really is possible to cultivate authentic relationships after they make their initial Giving Tuesday donation. Here are six practical steps you can take to boost the retention of Giving Tuesday donors.

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Finish the Fundraising Year Strong (& Start the New Year Stronger)

Finish the Fundraising Year Strong

With just a few weeks remaining in 2021, your fundraising team is determined to make the most of it and finish out the year strong. But your tasks aren’t over once the ball drops and brings in the new year. It just means you’re on to a new fundraising season in which you’ll aim to excel.

As such, now is the perfect time to take a good look at your organization’s fundraising practices and see what you can do to raise more through the end of 2021, throughout 2022, and long into the future.

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How to Retain and Engage Donors after a Virtual Event

How to Retain and Engage Donors after a Virtual Event

It takes a lot of time, money, and energy to recruit new donors to your nonprofit. Of course, bringing in new supporters throughout the year is vital to the long-term financial stability of your organization. Many nonprofits began incorporating virtual fundraising events during the COVID-19 pandemic to continue fundraising and connect with new donors during the "age of social distancing."

Your nonprofit probably emphasized connecting to as many donors as possible during those virtual fundraisers. But something that many nonprofits overlooked in their virtual fundraising strategy is donor retention.

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