online marketing

Posts categorized as online marketing


Three tips for a/b testing your nonprofit online marketing efforts inspired by the Obama campaign

As the nation's capital cleans up from the weekend's Inaugural festivities, it's worth asking how we got here:

How was it that President Obama came to be standing on the steps of the Capitol being sworn for a second term rather than his rival, Governor Mitt Romney, being sworn in for his first?

Presidential Inaugural Parade [Image 11 of 11]

One undeniable factor was that Obama's Digital Team ran one of the most successful online campaigns ever.

Curious about how?

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Increase your website readership with rich snippets for Google search results

Google LogoI've often found my self saying the words, "technology is not a panacea", whenever I hear organizations looking to focus what I think are excessive energy on search engine optimization.  My thoughts have been that spending that time and money on writing great content, rather than trying to manipulate search engine rankings.

But what if a simple technology switch could more effectively highlight your organization's website content in search engine results, and thereby make it more likely that visitors would click on your links rather than others? And what if the solution was easy and affordable?

I figure you'd probably try it.

So, what's this differentiator you can implement immediately for your website?  It's called Rich Snippets.

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Easy content sharing with RSS feeds from your nonprofit website

RSS feed logo

RSS can be a little confusing.  I try to remember it like this: it's a no-nonsense way to push content from a website, or pull content into a website.

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