New Soapbox site abolishes website tyranny for HALT

HALT logoWe love to see clients dash off the starting line with a new Non-Profit Soapbox site that they can effectively manage on their own to better serve their missions. Meet HALT, the latest Soapbox site to sprint out onto the interwebs.

HALT, or Help Abolish Legal Tyranny, is the nation's largest legal reform organization - a nonprofit, nonpartisan public interest group of more than 20,000 members.

Well, bad could this tyranny be if it's legal, you ask? Does it really need to be abolished and should I even care?

Actually, it's not tyranny which happens to be legal that these 20,000 members are trying to abolish. It's the tyrannical aspects of the legal system that they are fighting against "to make America's civil justice system more accessible and affordable for everyone".

You're part of everyone. You can get down with that.

At PICnet, we were happy to help them abolish website tyranny - moving them to a new Soapbox site that they have the freedom to update themselves and gives their visitors a more pleasing, engaging experience.

Old v. New Design

HALT: new homepage thumbnailHALT: old site thumbnail

The new site (right) features a more current, visually appealing design that integrates social media links, clearer calls to action, and a rotating slideshow HALT can easily update.

Self-Help Center

HALT: ResourcesHALT offers a wealth of information on a wide range of topics in its Self-Help Center. Need information on small claims court or representing yourself or the overall attorney-client relationship? How about estate planning or housing or living wills? Maybe your a senior in need of some information? It's all there - plus much more - organized so visitors can find it and easily updated with new content by HALT.

Report Cards

HALT: Report cardsAs part of its objective to increase accountability within the legal justice system, HALT publishes report cards for all fifty states on small claims systems and lawyer discipline. The new site organizes this wealth of rich and important information in easily accessible ways so visitors can find what they're after efficiently.

Curious about HALT?

Interested in finding out more? Check out their site to find out more about HALT and read up on the latest news or their most recent study which examines state practices in concealing information about ethics charges against lawyers.

Want to abolish your own website tyranny?

Hit us up! We're happy to share the freedom Soapbox can give your organization.