Reason #2 for crashing the Soapbox User Summit party

One week until the entire PICnet team descends upon DC for the Soapbox User Summit! Why should you join in?

Reason #2: Offer your ideas for improving Soapbox

One of the biggest benefits of working with PICnet is that you are teamed up with folks pushing the envelope of non-profit technology and developing cutting-edge tools to keep your mission on track. We’re always glad to hear from you on how we can improve Soapbox so you can better meet your mission. Soapbox User Summit attendees will get a chance to chime in with their suggestions while picking the brains of the engineers and designers behind the product. Talk about tapping the source!

Don’t miss the Soapbox User Summit on April 19th, register today!..

Stay tuned for the #1 reason why SUS12 should be on your calendar.