Proof, meet pudding: Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce v Vertical Response

We've served up pudding recipes for Constant Contact and MailChimp in our price comparison with Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce. They are two great services in their own right. Anyone who has looked at options for email marketing within Salesforce, though, knows this little pudding taste test won't be worth the digital bits and bytes it's printed on without sizing up Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce against the obvious choice in the marketplace.

Next flavor: Vertical Response.

Let's get to mixing up a batch, shall we? Vertical Response's pricing structure is based on the number of emails sent. The more you send, the lower your per 1,000 email cost. Their ranges give non-profits a break on price when they go from sending 50,000 emails a month to sending 50,001. Our pudding recipe standardizes price comparisons across all services by assuming 50,000 emails are being sent by your non-profit. Let's say that you toss in one more email to your grandma in that 50,000 emails per month to reduce your cost with Vertical Response from $8.50 per 1,000 to $7.22.

You should write your grandma more anyway!

CORRECTION: Thanks to Topher Baumann, Product Specialist at Vertical Response, for commenting on this post to draw attention to the fact that our calculations didn't account for the 10,000 initial emails nonprofits can send for free with their service. See our comment below for the details on the pricing correction. We've updated the following charts accordingly.

Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce v Vertical Response

Price comparison for non-profits using Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce as a standalone product not connected with other PICnet offerings
Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce Vertical Response
Monthly cost for emails or email addresses 50,000 emails $5 50,000 emails $340
Monthly subscription $19 n/a
Total monthly cost $24 $340
Savings 92.94% $3,792 per year

Price comparison for non-profits using Soapbox Engage for online donations, event registration and flexible forms connecting with or Non-Profit Soapbox for their content management system. Visit their websites for pricing and features.

Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce with Soapbox Engage or Non-Profit Soapbox Vertical Response
Monthly cost for emails or email addresses 50,000 emails $5 50,000 emails $340
Monthly subscription waived n/a
Total monthly cost $5 $340
Savings 98.53% $4,020 per year

Sign up today

Think your non-profit could really use a lot less vertical in the cost curve for your email marketing campaigns? We do, too! And imagine this: with just 25% of the savings you get by switching from Vertical Response to Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce, you can get Soapbox Engage so you can accept online donations, manage event registrations, display searchable membership directories and other Salesforce data online, and create forms for submitting online data directly to Salesforce. Or, for just 50% of the savings, you can do all of that AND get use Non-Profit Soapbox to run your whole website - and connect it with Salesforce. Not too shabby, eh?

Sign up today to receive the Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce product launch we'll send in a few weeks.


Yeah, we're as surprised as you at how big the savings are! If you're a non-profit paying less to send 50,001 emails a month with Vertical Response or someone representing Vertical Response and see a flaw in our math or the rates, post a comment and we'll correct the numbers. We want to make sure folks know the real deal and are totally down with being fact checked.