online fundraising

Posts categorized as online fundraising

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Online fundraising and event management with Soapbox Engage and iATS Payments

Some partnerships are just destined to be. We couldn't feel more strongly about our latest as we warmly welcome iATS Payments, a leading provider of payment processing services for nonprofit organizations, into the Soapbox Engage family. Now, nonprofits can elect to use iATS for the seamless processing of online donations and event registrations with Soapbox. What is more, they can choose to have data from each donation and registration saved to Salesforce in real-time.

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How to make your cause compelling to millennials

This past week, the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival hosted a panel on nonprofit organizations, called "Activism At Its Best." In it, the main question was: What can organizations do to increase online engagement among potential supporters? This is an especially big question when it comes to the one demographic that everyone likes to talk about but nobody seems to grasp: millennials. You can't just coast on your name anymore, especially because there are so many organizations out there that are trying to do what you're doing. Instead, your cause is the focus, since their interest in you is often based on that alone. You have to reach out to them, rather than the other way around. Nonprofit CRM software can assist by giving you better ways to effectively communicate with them.

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3 ways Salesforce can fundamentally transform your nonprofit operation

As a nonprofit, why would you need a "sales" database and a customer relationship management software solution? CRM software, such as Salesforce, and integrated technologies can help you not just run your organization more quickly and effectively, but also help you grow and sustain relationships.

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3 ways to target donors in your next campaign

It can be difficult to find new donors. Every person has their own unique tastes, and more importantly their own reasons to be interested in your cause. There are many things going on in a potential donor's head that could either favor your appeal or cause it to be ignored. In addition, today's society is increasingly individualistic and fragmented, turning everyone into special snowflakes. It's become increasingly less useful to send out blast communications and expect people to follow through. So what can you do then to drum up support or increase the amount of money raised through each donor? Targeting your donors can be the answer. Here are some ways to do precisely that with the help of nonprofit CRM software:

Each person has his or her own donor preferences. How will you target them?Each person has his or her own donor preferences. How will you target them?

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Dealing with donor levels: Cultivating nonprofit donors of varied amounts

So, you've got a lot of supporters, and many of them make donations on a regular basis. But not every donor is the same. You need to think about them both as individuals and as different groups of people.

But they all donate money, what's the difference?

It's how much money they contribute. Depending on the amount of money they're willing to give, people have certain expectations for you and your nonprofit.

Like, they want a place on the board? Special privileges? Snacks?

No, not snacks. However, through giving more or less money, donors have different expectations about how they should be treated and what they should have access to. They also have unique ideas on how they receive communications from you regarding your organization. But the behavior varies with the amount of money contributed. This is why you should consider using donor levels. Nonprofit CRM software can help you develop and assign them to new and existing donors.

Each person here donates differently. What levels will you put them in?

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