PUB Crawl for October 19, 2015

Welcome to the second edition of the PUB Crawl! I'll be sharing the top items discussed in the Salesforce Foundation's Power of Us Hub ("PUB"). Why? Well, I'm reading the entire PUB anyway, so I figured, heck why not pass some kernels of knowledge to my amigos?

Let's belly-up, and dive right into it!

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Great Posts from the Salesforce Power of Us Hub

  1. DF15 Foundation Session Videos Brandon Ortiz (Salesforce Foundation)Missed Dreamforce 2015? Lived it, but forgot nearly everything due to the ridiculously crazy schedule you created? No problem! Here's all the great session videos in one place.
  2. NSPS' separate Address object making life difficult - Ideas? Joe Katzman (Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Silicon Valley Chapter)Address fields galore! How to make life easier for those going a bit beyond with address information.
  3. Using Almond for tracking Salesforce Training? Megan Himan (BrightStep Partners)A free, open source, learning management system built by Labs that's immediately compatible with Salesforce1? Woah. Read on!
  4. Nonprofit Starter Pack version 3.52 rolls off the assembly line Jason Lantz ( So many bugs squashed, so quickly. I don't believe Jason and team sleep. Learn about all the goodness that rolled out in v3.52.
  5. One Donation, Two Campaigns Sarah Davis (Redeemer City to City)When you have so many awesome Campaigns that contributed to the success of one Opportunity (donation), what's the best way to record this in the NPSP?
  6. A report that shows contacts who are members of one campaign but did not donate to a second campaign. Traci Kelly (Safe Streets Campaign)Making reports like this can be hard for the accidental techie, but much easier when Caroline Renard is there to help you!
  7. Percolator's favorite things from Dreamforce 15 Barbara Christensen (Percolator Consulting) Since Dreamforce is a blur to me, it was nice to get a great recap from my friend at Percolator.

Great Events for the Salesforce Nonprofit Community

  1. NPSP Fall 2015 Community Sprint60+ NPSP community members will be meeting up in Seattle on Thursday and Friday this week to pretty much change the user story at a time. Learn more about the event that some are calling, "the greatest thing to ever happen...ever."

That's all for this week! Did I miss something? Have any tips or suggestions? Send all tip jar suggestions to me at cozimek{at-sign-here}

Keep soaking up the goodness!

Your barkeeper,