Nonprofit Fundraising After COVID-19: Resources and Trends

Fundraising Software Essentials for 2022

Many studies and polls continue to assess the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related economic crisis on nonprofits and other sectors. Since 2020, organizations have navigated months of remote work, forced closures, inconsistent reopenings, and unpredictable economic factors.

Yet, nonprofit leaders continually adjust by implementing creative strategies and solutions to accomplish their goals and continue serving their constituents. "Adapt and get creative" seems to be the ongoing theme, even in 2022.

COVID-19 has impacted how we think, work, and engage with others. When leveraged correctly, the shift to remote work, virtual events, and more online communities can be a powerful asset to the ongoing fundraising efforts.

Let's look at some of the trends that you can continue to use to enhance and boost your nonprofit fundraising.

Table of Contents

  1. Nonprofit fundraising after the COVID-19 pandemic
  2. 4 resources for nonprofit fundraising after COVID-19

Guide to Fundraising During COVID-19

Nonprofit Fundraising After the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses shifted to remote work, allowing employees to telecommute and work from home for safety.

Even though many countries have relaxed or even eliminated social distancing and safety protocols, many employees continue to fight for the right to work remotely. Flexibility remains a high priority for many people who found the convenience of working from home too good to give up.

Donors actually want virtual communication now!

Many of your donors got comfortable with virtual interactions as they navigate Zoom meetings, Slack conversations, and other online communication tools. While meaningful interactions with donors remain critical to immediate and long-term fundraising success, many people are more comfortable moving these conversations online.

Many nonprofits also noticed a shift toward email and social media interaction with donors. These trends don't appear to be changing in 2022.

In the words of fundraising expert Gail Perry, "donors want to stay in their favorite armchair." Now it's up to nonprofits to master virtual, digital meeting techniques and continue incorporating these strategies into the fundraising plan.

The good news is these digital meeting options are often cheaper than in-person fundraising events, and they can be equally effective, too!

Virtual and hybrid fundraising events are critical post-pandemic

Now that most people are comfortable with virtual events and online engagement, many people have come to expect these options! After all, it's tough to give up wearing slippers and sweatpants to meetings, so it looks like this change may be permanent.

Nonprofits must master the art of hosting high-quality virtual and hybrid events and meetings. We get this won't be easy, and many of us are still learning how to do this well. Still, it's something effective development professionals can't avoid.

The great news is that many nonprofit and fundraising professionals have already learned a lot about effective virtual and hybrid fundraising over the last two years. So, there's no need to reinvent the wheel for your nonprofit. Check out the Soapbox Engage Nonprofit Starter Guide to Virtual and Online Fundraising!

Benefits of adding virtual and hybrid fundraising strategies: While there might be a few challenges to navigate. The learning curve might feel dizzyingly steep, but there are some powerful benefits to adding virtual and hybrid fundraising options to your calendar.

  • Hybrid events expand your potential attendance list without increasing your overhead.
  • Virtual and hybrid events allow supporters outside your region to engage with major events.
  • Virtual fundraising events require less financial investment than most in-person fundraising events.
  • Virtual and hybrid events reduce travel and environmental costs.
  • Hybrid and virtual fundraisers make it easier to capture valuable data.
  • Many virtual and hybrid fundraising events create more attractive sponsorship opportunities from partners.
  • Virtual and hybrid events are more adaptable and flexible than in-person events.

With all these benefits, why would you NOT want to add at least a few virtual and hybrid fundraising events to your calendar in 2022?

Flexibility and adaptability are essential for post-pandemic fundraising

2020 and 2021 were years of surprises and unknowns. Just when we thought we were emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, a new wave would hit.

As the medical side of the pandemic wanes (thankfully), we're navigating uncertainties around rapid inflation, the changing job markets, supply chain issues, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and other global dynamics. Unfortunately, it looks like 2022 will be a year of continued instability.

In times of uncertainty, flexibility is critical.

Consider shifting to strategic plans with shorter timelines, at least for the foreseeable future. In the past, five-year strategic plans have been the standard for many nonprofits. The pandemic highlighted the importance of being flexible and agile.

A shorter timeline offers more opportunities to invite key stakeholders to participate in the planning and execution. It also conveys a greater sense of urgency, which increases the likelihood of success in fundraising.

Technology is the key to finding eager new donors

Since 2008, there has been a trend toward fewer donors who give larger gifts. Many philanthropy experts anticipate that mid-level giving will continue to decline. Development professionals must continue to make a case for fundraising growth at all giving levels and increase the emphasis on donor retention.

Wealth screenings, corporate giving resources, and other tools can be powerful additions to your fundraising efforts. These tools will help you identify potential major donors, help guide your "ask," and find new, very passionate donors.

Technology can also help you become more donor-centered. With various virtual and digital communication strategies available, it's time for nonprofit messaging to shift away from money and toward cultivating an authentic relationship with your supporters.

Take time to arrange a "virtual coffee chat" or Q&A with donors via Zoom or connect on social media to learn about individual donors' likes and interests. There are countless creative ways to become more donor-centered in your fundraising and donor care.

Guide to Fundraising During COVID-19

4 Resources for Nonprofits Fundraising After COVID-19

As you can see, many of the initial changes we experienced at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic are here to stay. It's time to dive in and do what we development professionals do best–adapt and overcome!

We rounded up a few resources and tools to help you do that and put some of these principles into action to help you reach your fundraising goals in 2022.

  • The Nonprofit Starter Guide to Virtual and Online Fundraising During COVID-19: Although the title says "during COVID-19," this handy guide is packed with great details, ideas, and information about hosting effective virtual fundraising events. The information is still very relevant and helpful, especially for nonprofits that are still learning how to plan and execute a virtual or hybrid fundraising event that their donors are excited to attend.
  • Zoom Tips for the Modern Age: We've learned a lot about how to have the best Zoom meeting over the last two years. This short and sweet list of ten tips will help you host the best Zoom conversations with coworkers, donors, board members, and others.
  • Online Fundraising: The Ultimate Guide: Our friends at Double the Donation put together a stellar guide to general online fundraising. It includes practical insights about why online fundraising is critical and various strategies to incorporate into your overall fundraising plan.
  • Soapbox Engage Apps: We don't mean to toot our own horn, but we've got tools and resources to help you thrive in the virtual fundraising world. From custom donation pages to event pages and forms and calendars, you'll have all the tools you need to reach your virtual and hybrid fundraising goals.

There are a lot of opportunities hidden in this disrupted environment. Savvy nonprofits will be opportunistic and agile enough to shift with the new trends and meet donors where they are–in virtual spaces! Hybrid events will continue to evolve, but the benefits to nonprofits will remain.

Here are three more resources to help you build your dynamic fundraising strategy.

  • Successful Peer-to-Peer Fundraising with Soapbox Engage: One of the secrets to the long-term success of peer-to-peer fundraising is that nonprofits who use this strategy are empowering their supporters to become advocates and partners. Not only does it help you reach your financial goals, but it can also expand your donor base and open up new networks. The Soapbox Engage team loves P2P fundraising, and we're here to help you add some peer-to-peer campaigns to your fundraising calendar.
  • Fundraising Software Essentials for 2022: Overall, fundraising software simplifies the entire fundraising process adn daily tasks like tracking donors, receiving online donations, adn building campaigns. But there are hundreds of options on the market without clear guidelines about narrowing down your options or picking the one that best fits your nonprofit. This guide will give you the insights to make the best all-around choice.
  • Reach Your Capital Campaign Goals with Matching Gifts: Including matching gifts in your conversation with major donors or as part of your overall fundraising strategy allows people to create more impact with their contributions. There's no need to get overwhelmed by the prospect of incorporating matching gifts into your next major or capital campaign. This blog unpacks some of the critical features of matching gifts and wisdom from industry experts so you'll be prepared to successfully add matching gifts to your capital fundraising campaign.