PUB Crawl for March 11, 2019

I don't know about you, but it certainly seems to me that March is keeping up with its reputation of coming in like a lion.

In the mix of everything March has brought to my doorstep, I've just landed in Portland, home of a trifecta of back-to-back-to-back Salesforce and non-profit community events. Tomorrow, I'll kick-off the 2019 NPSP Day tour, bringing together community members for the fourth year in a row in Portland!

Salesforce Power of Us Hub PUB Crawl for March 11, 2019

Meanwhile, there's a lot of great content that's been produced by the community during the past week. So while you ponder how March will exit this year, grab the perfect knowledge pairing beverage of your choosing, and pull up a stool to the PUB Crawl.

Don't forget, you can have the goodness of the PUB Crawl delivered into your inbox each Monday morning by subscribing today!

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Great Posts from the Salesforce Power of Us Hub

  1. What is the best way to build custom account donation levels to include recurring donors?
    Jenn Rudiger (Population Services International)

    How are you representing your best sustaining donors within your Salesforce org?

  2. March HubCap
    Lizzy Roberts (

    Another awesome installment of community news from our friends at

  3. Best way to record a multi-year grant?
    Jordan Kifer (Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies)

    When your accounting team and fundraising team meet at the virtual Salesforce table, how do you make sure both get what they need for reporting on multi-year grants?

  4. Community Sprint Overview - Long Beach, CA 2019
    Cori O'Brien (

    Didn't get a chance to hang out with the community in Long Beach for the recent sprint? Get caught up on what you missed!

  5. Go-live advice
    Jesse Teasley (Open Doors with Brother Andrew)

    Until we can waive a magic wand, what’s better than closing your eyes and just hoping the cut-over process from your past CRM to Salesforce happens without issue?

  6. Boost Your Revenue with These Matching Gifts Tips and Tricks
    Tim Forbes (Soapbox Engage)

    What if you could increase your donor dollars without even needing to make another solicitation? Check out some of our insights on employer matching gifts!

  7. The Power of Us Hub is transitioning to Lightning in April!
    Lizzy Roberts (

    The community's virtual home, the Hub (or as we call it around here..."the Pub"), is getting a full makeover. Here's info about 4 great webinars to help prepare you for this new Lightning-powered environment!

Great Events for the Salesforce Nonprofit Community

  1. NPSP Day Portland - March 12, 2019
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    Right before the Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC), it's time for the record fourth edition of this awesome community event!

  2. EMEA Office Hours - March 12 @ 3pm GMT
    Julia Whitehead (

    Join the Salesforce community from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for a session of questions and answers!

  3. NPSP Day Cape Town - March 29, 2019
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    The NPSP community knows no geographic limits, which is why we're excited to bring the event back down to the southern coast of Africa for a second year in a row.

  4. NPSP Day Seattle - May 9, 2019
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    Get ready for the world's largest NPSP Day, with an amazing view of the Seattle skyline to boot!

  5. NPSP Day New York - June 20, 2019
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    We're gearing up for the third annual gathering in the Big Apple, complete with an amazing skyline view of Manhattan!

Great Ideas for Nonprofits Using Salesforce

  1. When record no longer meets criteria, CRLP should null out a lookup reference
    Matthew Poe (Natural Resources Defense Council)

    If you're working with customizable roll-ups, and you have a related lookup value that makes it so the record no longer meets the criteria of the rollup, should we null out that lookup value?