PUB Crawl for April 23, 2018

Issue 133

Another week, and another NPSP Day in the history books as NPSP Day Toronto wrapped up last week in a when-will-spring-get-here quick tour of Canada. My penguin traveling companion was thoroughly confused after our stop in New Orleans last week.

NPSP Day Toronto 2018

This week, it's off to the Salesforce World Tour in New York, where I'm looking to reconnect with good friends in the Big Apple, and get the energy going for a few weeks of long-distance NPSP Day travel to come. For now, kick off your shoes in first class and settle in for a round of knowledge here in the PUB Crawl!

Don't forget, you can have the goodness of the PUB Crawl delivered into your inbox each Monday morning by subscribing today!

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Great Posts from the Salesforce Power of Us Hub

  1. How do nonprofits structure campaigns?
    Courtney Delaney (Northern Forest Center)

    The Campaign object can have this almost mysterious everything-to-everyone value to it. Is there a "right" way to leverage it in our non-profit world?

  2. Jumpstart AppExchange Product Development with's Open Source Tool
    Jace Bryan (

    Some of the best development work in the community comes from the excellent engineering team...including this gem.

  3. Anonymize contacts
    Aryen Pellikaan (g-company)

    Might it be possible not to delete a Contact's record, but rather just anonymize the personally identifiable information?

  4. Using NPSP to manage customers and product sales
    Anna Havard (CIWM)

    Looking for advice and case studies on using the NPSP for selling products and managing customers, rather than managing volunteers and taking donations.

  5. Higher Ed Summit Recordings
    Lizzy Roberts (

    The Higher Ed Summit team has now produced more than 140 videos for you to view. Someone get me an XXL popcorn and as many Red Vines as possible.

  6. How to use NPSP to manage grants given?
    Jacque Waggoner (Hunter's Hope)

    Is it possible to use the NPSP out-of-the-box to record grants that your organization distributes?

  7. Integrating Salesforce with a Data warehouse
    Javi Diaz (Médecins sans Frontières)

    If you've got more data than specks of sand on a beach, how can you best store this data alongside your Salesforce org?

  8. Too many groups!
    Maureen Saringer (University of North Texas)

    With two big Salesforce communities, including the Power of Us Hub and the Trailblazer Community, under which should you put your best non-profit and higher ed questions?

Great Events for the Salesforce Nonprofit Community

  1. Grow Your Nonprofit Community Without Asking for Money - April 26, 2018 @ 3 pm ET
    Tim Forbes (Soapbox Engage)

    While we still haven't found the right seed to grow the "money tree", you can still learn ways to nurture your fundraising community without constantly asking for a fiscal contribution.

  2. HUB Office Hours - Fri, April 27 @ 12pm EST
    Caroline Renard (Technology Interpreter for Arts Groups)

    This Friday Julie Workman, Samantha Safin and Courtney Phillips will be discussing Marketing Cloud and Pardot!

  3. NPSP Day Seattle - May 9, 2018
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    May is just around the corner, and I'm getting my rain gear ready for a trip to Seattle!

  4. NPSP Day Tel Aviv - May 13, 2018
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    The first NPSP Day in the Middle East is just a few weeks away!

  5. NPSP Day New York - June 21, 2018
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    I spent last Friday in NYC, and had a chance to scope out the scene there. I'm pretty sure the city is ready to rock and roll for our second NPSP Day in the Big Apple!

  6. NPSP Day Bozeman - August 16, 2018
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    This summer will bring another round-up in the city under the big M on the mountain for another NPSP Day!

  7. NPSP Day Chicago - November 8, 2018
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    We're heading back to the land of my Polish-American roots for the second NPSP Day in the Windy City!

Great Ideas for Nonprofits Using Salesforce

  1. Change "Opportunities" related list label to "Opportunities (Primary Contact)"
    Duncan McGovern (VISIONS Foundation)

    How about we remove a bit of the confusion and change the NPSP related list label for the Primary Contact lookup on an Opportunity?