PUB Crawl for March 5, 2018

Out with February, in with March...and soon, but not soon enough, spring up here in the northern hemisphere! March also holds a historic first for our community: the first ever NPSP Day in Africa. I'll be packing up what friends share about the Open Source Sprint happening today and tomorrow, and bringing the knowledge to the Cape Town community on March 22.

While the community is humming, take a moment to catch up on what's has been discussed around the HUB in this week's action packed PUB Crawl. Grab yourself a sweet treat and dive deep into this week’s content.

Don't forget, you can have the goodness of the PUB Crawl delivered into your inbox each Monday morning by subscribing today!

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Great Posts from the Salesforce Power of Us Hub

  1. A Google Add-on you MUST have!
    Susanna Sharp (Northwest Maritime Center)

    Are you ready to untether your Salesforce reporting data to give access to more of your non-Salesforce users? Behold!

  2. What do folks typically use as a 'last contacted date', to be sure you're staying in touch with donors?
    Missy Longshore (Longshore Consulting)

    You've spent all that time in another system tracking the last time you've reached out to a donor. How can we upload this and display this data on your donor's records in Salesforce?

  3. What is the best way to become a Certified System Administrator
    Joan Springs (Living Cities, Inc.)

    There's gold(-en knowledge) in those Salesforce hills! The question is how to get it. Is a certification required to lead an organization and maintain control of your database?

  4. Grant Management
    Vicky Pizzini (uAspire)

    Might GAUs fly in with a cape to save the day for tracking your use of restricted funds from grants?

  5. Getting ready to convert attachments and notes - any tips for NPSP users?
    Diane Phair (Youth for Christ USA)

    With Notes and Attachments getting a needed boost in Lightning, what's the best way to arm yourself for the trek forward?

  6. Do you have data retention policies and procedures?
    Stuart Iseminger (Lakeview pantry)

    Hitting your data storage limit can send your organization screaming, "I thought the 'cloud' meant infinite everything!!" Before you start throwing out data like it's spring cleaning day, learn data retention strategies to help you forward.

  7. Migrating from Action Plans to Engagement Plans
    Sam Lim (Evangelical Alliance Mission)

    Actions plans to Engagement Plans. Who's ready to dive into the deep end of this planning process?

Great Events for the Salesforce Nonprofit Community

  1. LATAM Hub Office Hours - mier, 7 de marzo @ 12pm MEX
    Elena Inurrategui (Proyecto Tribo)

    Horario de oficina esta semana. ¡Fiesta con Salesforce!

  2. EMEA Office Hours - Tue, March 13 @ 3pm GMT
    Julia Whitehead (

    Get ready for the next Office Hours for our friends in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa! Bring loads of questions.

  3. NPSP Day Cape Town - March 22, 2018
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    The first NPSP Day in Africa is just two weeks away!

  4. NPSP Day New Orleans - April 10, 2018
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    The Nonprofit Technology Conference, an NPSP Day, and all the beignets I can get my hands on. Don't miss out.

  5. NPSP Day Toronto - April 19, 2018
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    We're bringing the NPSP Day whistle-stop to our friends north of the American border next month!

  6. NPSP Day New York - June 21, 2018
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    What better way to warm up a cold winter day than to register for an awesome summer event?

  7. NPSP Day Bozeman - August 16, 2018
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    For the second year in a row, it's a day dedicated to our non-profit Salesforce community in big sky country!

Great Ideas for Nonprofits Using Salesforce

  1. NPSP Data Importer: Support more information on affiliation
    Terry Cole (Street Youth Ministry)

    Terry Cole is on an idea generation roll! See what he has to say about providing more details on the importing of affiliations.