PUB Crawl for April 3, 2017

A consistent string of beautiful spring days in DC. An evening celebrating progress towards equality. It's been a pretty good past week in the Salesforce non-profit world in Washington! Before I wrap up my wire story for tomorrow's newspaper, here's an evening edition of the PUB Crawl!

PUB Crawl reporter asking Marc Benioff questions

Don't forget, you can have the goodness of the PUB Crawl delivered into your inbox each Monday morning by subscribing today!

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Great Posts from the Salesforce Power of Us Hub

  1. Using Engagement Plans for Major Donor Management
    Jackson Rose (

    Looking for a game plan to use Engagement Plans for your major donors? Here you go!

  2. Proper Approaches for Utilizing Recu Dons, Opptys , Payments and GAU Allocations
    Tricia Booser (Heller Consulting)

    GAUs can often seem like a mysteriously powerful feature. But how can it best be used for your fundraising needs?

  3. Salesforce Toolkit?
    Sara Hubner (New England Yearly Meeting)

    One set of tools to help with a ton of your Salesforce data needs? It's true. Enjoy!

  4. NPSP How-To Series: Levels
    Bill Florio (New Leaders)

    Talents from our NPSP community came together to produce fantastic how-to videos like this!

  5. An efficient approach to continuous documentation
    Brad Struss (Bigger Boat Consulting)

    Do you feel like you're treading water trying to keep up with documentation writing? Read on for a few tips and tricks to keep your head above water.

  6. NPSP Advisory Board - Meeting Minutes - March 15th, 2017
    Katie McFadden (Swift River Consulting)

    Here's your fans in the smoke-filled rooms of the NPSP Advisory Board. Alright, there's no smoke. Heck, there's no room. But there's lots of great work!

  7. Job Opening: Salesforce Admin for CSIS
    Ian Gottesman (CSIS)

    My long-time friends at CSIS in Washington DC have a fantastic job opening for those with Salesforce and NPSP skills.

Great Events for the Salesforce Nonprofit Community

  1. NPSP Day Amsterdam - May 16
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    NPSP Days make their debut in Europe! Toss your Salesforce knowledge in your bike basket and join us!

  2. NPSP Day Toronto - Wed, Apr 19
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    Another NPSP day is headed to an incredible city...drumroll please...Toronto! Bring your coat and your brain for a great day of training, knowledge sharing, and networking. Register today to hop in on all the fun.

  3. HUB Office Hours - Fri, April 7 @ 12pm ET
    Caroline Renard (Technology Interpreter for Arts Groups)

    Don't miss out on this week's HUB Office Hours with hosts Sara Chieco, Nick Lindberg, and Joni Martin. Bring all the general questions you have about Salesforce for a great session.

Great Ideas

  1. Add Contact Record Type field when adding Contact from Manage Household page
    Joanne Steindorf (Discovery Space of Central Pennsylvania, Inc.)

    Let's make it a little easier for those using Contact record types, shall we?