4 Simple Steps You Should Take Now to Increase Donations

4 Simple Steps Your Should Take Now to Increase Donations

In this political season, there has been a significant spike in donations to nonprofit organizations. People are motivated, and are taking concrete action to support causes about which they feel passionate.

Here are four quick ways you can ensure that when those folks make their way to your online donation page, you’re best equipped to channel that motivation into fuel to fund your mission.

1) Use tracking codes - like, now!

Stop! Put the keyboard down. Don’t you dare send that tweet or share that Facebook post to ask people to donate or register or sign or act without including UTM tracking codes. Without them, you won’t know if those precious moments you spent crafting that message is doing any good.

And if your current donation form or event management tool or any other app you use to drive supporter actions doesn’t capture UTM codes, consider ditching it for another service.

2) Make the recurring donation option your default option

Your mission needs ongoing funding. Stress that to visitors by making the recurring option the default option. Show them you want a long-term relationship, not just a one-time fling. Let them know that the challenges faced don’t have quick answers and that you need them with you for an extended run. These monthly donations will be insanely important not just now but as we move into an uncertain future with the distinct possibility that the spike we’ve seen in donor generosity will fade due to disincentives from proposed tax code changes and economic uncertainty brought on by seemingly spontaneous major national policy shifts.

3) Add a newsletter sign up option to your donation form

Wow, this is huge. If someone’s down with donating, they’re likely down enough with your mission to hear what you have to say in the future. And what you have to say can be vitally important for rallying your supporters with timely calls to action during these changing times.

4) Get your donation form checked

We all can use a tune up from time to time. Have a professional review your donation form using our tried and tested checklist to learn how well you’re doing - and how you can improve to get more donations. It’s free! Use our Donation Page Grader to can actionable intel for more donations.

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