Events management with Soapbox Engage saves “hours and hours of time” over EventBrite

Action for Healthy Kids has chapters across the country. Each of these chapters has events for which they manage online reservations.

“In the past, we had the state chapters using their own event tools, like EventBrite. Sometimes those names would get into our system and sometimes they wouldn’t,” said Anthony Moss, Web and Database Manager for Action for Healthy Kids. “For one of our bigger events, we would have hundreds of registrations. When you think about all of those Excel files that would need to be individually configured and sent to the data administrator for clean up and has required hours and hours of time.”

All that changed with the adoption of Soapbox Engage. Now, Action for Healthy Kids uses Engage’s online event management tool across all its chapters, displaying chapter-specific events in their own section of the website, and benefiting from the integration that Engage offers:

“Now all of those names go directly into through Soapbox without any data administrator time,” said Moss.


Action for Healthy Kids fights childhood obesity, undernourishment and physical inactivity by helping schools become healthier places so kids can live healthier lives. This post is part of a weekly series highlighting their adoption of Soapbox Engage to empower their work to mobilize thousands across the country to raise healthier kids.

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