Our Clients Rock: Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council - Valentine's Day edition

At PICnet, we love what we do. Deeply. And the prime numero uno reason for this is that we work with great clients who are rocking the world for social good.
Here is the first in an occasional series of personal little love notes from a PICnetter to one of our clients. Consider this inaugural post a celebration of Valentine's Day on our blog with our own Julie Dennis sending this the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council's way.

Who is the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council?

GPAC logoGreater Pittsburgh Arts Council, or GPAC, is a membership-based organization that represents more than 2,500 individuals in the Pittsburgh area.  Using a three-pronged approach of obtaining political, financial, and professional support, they provide a space for artists to post jobs, attend classes, seek legal and business advice, and network.

Why Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council rocks

As a former arts administrator myself, I love that this group creates solidarity of arts organizations through its main mission while also encouraging the general public to explore the vibrant arts scene in Pittsburgh.

How Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council is rocking things currently

But I was even more ecstatic when I realized that emails I was receiving to my personal email from Americans for the Arts highlighted GPAC due to the upcoming annual conference. That’s right! Pittsburgh will be hosting the Americans for the Arts conference held from June 14 – 16 of 2013 which means that GPAC will have a front and center role in welcoming more than 1,100 arts professionals to the city.

GPAC Billboard

During the conference, city leaders, non-profit arts administrators, and corporate partners will be discussing the issues affecting artists, community development, and creative industries. It’s sure to be a great event that will highlight all the wonderful artsy things Pittsburgh has to offer. Congrats to GPAC on winning the bid to host the 2013 Americans for the Arts conference. I am sure it will be a smashing success!

How you can rock with the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council

Take a spin by their snazzy Non-Profit Soapbox site to sign up to receive their email newsletter, read more about the upcoming conference, or become a member!