Blog series - Simple ideas for successful online nonprofit membership management using Salesforce: Using last visit date

I recently logged into my account with a major financial services company for the first time in awhile. The next day, I received an email from the company saying “Hey! Thanks for stopping by our site yesterday! S'up?”

That wasn’t verbatim, mind you. But it was close. And it prompts the first in our blog series of simple ideas for successful online nonprofit membership management using Salesforce.

Are you rolling out the online welcome mat for your members? How can you tell and how can you improve so that welcome mat is more welcoming?

If your website is integrated with Salesforce and members are logging in, that activity gives you valuable information about those members. Who has never logged into your site? Who hasn’t shown up in months? Who dropped by yesterday?

That’s good information in aggregate. And that’s great information on an individual level. Capturing that in Salesforce from your website can lead to smarter, more strategic efforts to elevate engagement levels of your members and make sure you’re providing the best member services possible.

Reach out to folks who haven’t shown up to your site in awhile. Do surveys asking them what you can do better to encourage them to come to your site more often. Send special offers or targeted messages to entice them to reengage.

Reward folks who visit often. Acknowledge folks when they do. Ask them what brings them back for more and how you can make their experience even more positive.

This can be through emails triggered through Salesforce workflows, mass emails sent through an email tool like Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce, or through customized messages that appear on the site when that user logs in - anyway you wish to follow up with folks. As long as that information is being captured, you can act on it to encourage happier members and foster better services.

Next up in our series: a simple idea for providing members-only information valuable enough that members will want to login. Stay tuned!

This is one of a several part blog series of simple ideas for successful online nonprofit membership management using Salesforce. You can view the entire series here.
If you're a nonprofit membership organization interested in integrating your website with Salesforce, contact us! You can also read 15 reasons why membership organizations love Non-Profit Soapbox and Salesforce to learn more about the membership management options in Soapbox Engage.