Customizing a Twitter Tweet Button for your nonprofit website

Does your website have social sharing buttons like ShareThis or AddThis but you find yourself wanting something more customized for a given situation?

Maybe you want a big button on your donation thank you page that encourages people to share the fact that they just supported your organization. Or one on an event reservation confirmation view to say they're coming to your shindig.

Twitter has some great tools and documentation for customizing those buttons for specific situations and messages.

Check out this handy Twitter button builder on their site. Or, if you want to jump into the deep end and leverage a bunch of different options they provide, read through the great documentation on Tweet Buttons.

Twitter Tweet button

Source: Twitter

Twitter Tweet Buttons with Soapbox

If you're a Soapbox client, you can use Soapbox Shortcodes tool to make using custom Twitter Tweet buttons on your site even easier. And if you use Soapbox Donations, Soapbox Events, or Salesforce Submit, you can automate the inclusion of specifics related of the end user's interaction on the site in the default Tweet text.

For example, you could mash up variables of how much an end user gave to queue up this Tweet for them:

Sample tweet for Soapbox Donations

Or use variables Soapbox Events provides for something like this:

Twitter example for Soapbox Events

Got specific questions about this if you're using Soapbox? Hit us up through the Solutions Center. Interested in Soapbox? We're always down with hearing from you!