email marketing

Posts categorized as email marketing


Soapbox Mailer supports DKIM, increasing email deliverability

We're excited to announce that all Soapbox Mailer organizations can have further peace of mind that their emails have a higher chance of being delivered successfully. Thanks to new features released last night within Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES), Soapbox Mailer users now have another tool in the fight against spam.

Yesterday, Chris Wheeler over at the SES team announced that they had launched Easy DKIM, a new feature that makes it very easy for our Soapbox Mailer organizations to increase their deliverability rates.  Chris' post provides the details of what DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and you can grab an engineer and learn more details on the DKIM Wikipedia page as well.

Amazon SES DKIM configuration

In short, DKIM makes it easy for your email recipient's mail provider to confirm that your email really did originate from you.  This is another tactic to prove that you're not a spammer, which often times forges information in the hidden parts of emails to make them seem like they're coming from someone else.

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Soapbox Mailer now bouncing with Amazon's new notification service

A few days ago, Jeff Barr in the Amazon Web Services team made an announcement that made us giddy: Simple Email Services (SES) now has a built-in bounce notification service. This seemingly boring announcement gives our Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce service terrific new powers, enabling us to provide you the first and only native email marketing app that utilizes SES and this great bounce management functionality.

Soapbox Mailer bounce handling example

With a little architecture brainstorming provided by Rohan Deshpande on the Amazon SES team, and with the flexibility of the platform, we were quickly able to implement real-time notifications directly into Soapbox Mailer. This new feature provides our organizations the ability to get critical data to better understand their lists' effectiveness, and enables them to clean and purge their lists as needed.

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Soapbox Mailer trailblazing has begun

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