Joomla shop opens its doors

Joomla ShopFor quite some time now, Joomla community members have voiced their desire to be able to purchase Joomla products. T-shirts, bumper stickers, baby bibs, you name it, they want it.

Now, they can get it! Well, back t-shirts that is.

Today, the Joomla team announced the opening of the Joomla Store, in partnership with an online merchandise provider called While we're still strong supporters of our friends at GoodStorm from the looks of this, it seems like the Joomla team has done some great work and due diligence.

"All profits from the shop will go back to the project to further its not-for-profit aims and ambitions," said Joomla! shop co-ordinator Levis Bisson. "We've always welcomed donations from Joomla! users ... now there is a way to donate to the project and receive a cool J! T-shirt."

Now, if only we can get a bunch of these before the Non-Profit Technology Conference on April 4-6, 2007.