J!Salesforce now pulling and posting data natively through Joomla

Salesforce.comFirst, I need to point out to the world that I am simply the messenger of all this wonderful news we have about the Salesforce.com - Joomla integration. Our lead developer on this, Kevin Devine, has put long nights and sweat into what is shaping to be a fantastic contribution to the open source community.

Now that all your thank you messages are pointed in the right direction, let me give an update as to what Kevin's got cooking. Two days ago we were successfully able to push/pull data to/from Joomla and Salesforce. This means that we can now display data from Salesforce directly in Joomla, and then edit that data via forms in Joomla back into Salesforce. It all happens rather quickly, which is a little surprising since the data has to go back and forth between two servers in completely different parts of the US.

Dynamic display of layout features

Today Kevin just hit another major milestone. Now we're able to bring in form fields from Salesforce following the layout rules prescribed within Salesforce. For instance, say in your Salesforce layout you have a dropdown list for a contact's suffix. Now without any hassle you can have Joomla directly display that dropdown populated properly from Salesforce.

Pretty darn cool.

Custom fields, no problem

Just to top off a great week, Kevin has also been able to easily bring over custom fields, which are fields that are not in the standard contacts table in Salesforce. Say you want to track a client's favorite flavor of ice cream. That's not a field standard in the Salesforce contacts table, but you can extend that table using a custom field for it (and that field can be of any type - dropdown, textarea, etc - and then display it Joomla lickety-split.

Three cheers to Kevin on an awesome week, and here's to more exciting developments next week! Keep your comments coming, we're all ears to your ideas to what you want this component to do for your Joomla sites.