How Joomla 1.5 beta changes civil society

Joomla 1.5 BetaAlright, maybe alone Joomla 1.5 beta doesn't really change civil society, but it does give us hope. I've seen this Joomla team go through a rollercoaster of a year. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was trying to go to my weekly softball game (go Cozimeks!), when I got news from Brian Teeman that the Mambo - Joomla split was happening. Nice to see my "renegade developers" Slashdot story is still up. That produces some good old cowboy imagery, doesn't it?

Well, in what's barely been a year, the new team of trailblazers, lead by Johan Janssens, has produced a beta delivery that I believe will really turn up the creative juice in our community. And when I say community, I mean both our non-profit community, as well as the Joomla community.

I hope that through the beta review process, the entire Joomla community is able to contribute their comments as passionately as I and about 100 dedicated Joomla community members have done up to this point. Our work and comments have been hidden in corners of the community that average users don't normally tread, but now I hope that the similar discussions (without the flames) brew in the coming weeks.

Thanks to Johan and Louis for your leadership in this 1.5 beta. Here's to an enlightening feedback process!

P.S.: Johan, did you get Joomlasphere from my incessant blogosphere comments at LinuxWorld SF? =)