Time tracker in Basecamp worth the upgrade

BasecampClose friends and clients of PICnet have known for a long time of our love affair with Basecamp. The project management system that popularized Ruby on Rails has been manna from the heavens for us.

Now, they've made it even better.

Basecamp Todo Task Time TrackingWell, actually I guess we made it better for ourselves by upgrading our package that includes time tracking for tasks. This was a big issue for us. With our support clients, we'd been finding that many trouble ticket systems were too technically oriented, and kept us out of step with clients' real needs. The Basecamp system is really more like trouble-tickets crossed with storytelling. The main drawback from the bean counter's perspective was that it didn't allow us to track the time spent on interactions with clients, much like the trouble ticketing systems.

Now with our upgrade to a package that includes time-tracking for todo tasks, life has been considerably better. For those that need it, we highly recommend the upgrade to a Basecamp package that includes this valuable feature. Now if they could only allow us to track both estimated and actual billing times. That would be the icing on the cake.