Fundraising Weekly - Feb 7, 2023

Fundraising Weekly Newsletter

Issue 132

Happy Tuesday, Fundraisers! How do you plan on expressing gratitude for your donors this year? Here are 6 cost-effective donor thank you gifts to consider. Timely and meaningful acknowledgment of support really does make all the difference!

Scroll on down for last week’s top fundraising content! We’ve got great ideas relating to reconnecting with donors, using text-to-give, and preparing your nonprofit for financial uncertainty in a recession.

You can receive the Fundraising Weekly newsletter each Tuesday by subscribing today!

Great Fundraising Posts

Top 5 Salsa Engage Alternatives for Nonprofits

Tim Forbes (Soapbox Engage)

Salsa Engage is sunsetting! If you’re looking for an alternative solution for your online engagement and fundraising needs, check out this blog post that features five great alternatives.

5 Steps to Growing Your Individual Donor Pool

Janet Levine (Janet Levine Consulting)

While the amount of money donated has been rising over the years, the number of people giving has gone way down. Depending on the size of your nonprofit, this could mean trouble. It’s important to consistently engage and re-engage all your donors. This blog post offers five steps to help you do that.

5 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Nonprofit

Alison Miller (NonProfitHub)

It seems every day we’re haunted by the specters of recession and inflation. This has bad implications for nonprofit professionals. Luckily, in this blog post Alison offers five ways to recession-proof your nonprofit.

A Great Disservice Some Fundraisers Do to Fundraising: Play to the Stereotype

Jim Langley (Market Smart)

As major fundraisers, it can be tempting to play into the stereotype that we’re the reason the money is coming in– especially if we’re in search of a job. But that is not accurate to how fundraising really works, and sets us up for failure. In this blog post, Jim accurately breaks down what fundraisers do and urges us to avoid the stereotype.

How to Reconnect Major Donors Who Have Drifted Away

Gail Perry Group (Gail Perry Group)

It’s not uncommon for donors who once gave enthusiastically to drift away. But just because they drift away doesn’t mean you can’t get them back! This blog post contains the tools to help you reconnect to the major donors who have drifted away.

Key Ways to Use Texting to Impact Your Fundraising Results

Sean Shaikun (RNL)

Texting with your donors is a key tactic. It’s the method of communication many of us prefer, and it can be used for so many key components of your donor outreach. In this blog post, Sean offers a variety of ways you can use texting to improve your fundraising.

7 Ways to Boost Your Fundraising Career and Your Joy

Jeff Brooks (Future Fundraising Now)

Was one of your new year’s resolutions to approach this year, and/or your career, with more joy? Check out this blog post where Jeff shares seven ways to do just that!

9 Tips and Tricks to Keep Mobile Bidders Engaged

Tamara Varner (Greater Giving)

Mobile bidding is a great way to engage your donors and raise more money at a fundraising event. This blog post has nine tips and tricks you can use to keep mobile bidders engaged during your event.

Why Your Donor May Be Confused About Their Relationship With You

Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels (Veritus Group)

Your relationship with your donor should feel like a partnership. But donors are often left feeling like it’s purely transactional. In this blog post, Richard and Jeff share why they may feel that way and how you can avoid it.