Fundraising Weekly - Aug 9, 2022

Issue 106

Happy Tuesday, Fundraisers! I thought I would follow up last week’s newsletter by sharing another one of our free, downloadable guides. No sense hoarding tools meant for the community!

When asking for donations, having the right wording can make all the difference to connect with your community and inspire them to give. Whether you're crafting an email ask, social media post, event invitation, or updating your website's donation page, your wording impacts the outcome. Here’s a free 15-page guide to learn about five easy ways to boost your wording when asking for donations.

Scroll on down to check out our top fundraising picks for the week! Let me know if anything in particular speaks to you!

You can receive the Fundraising Weekly newsletter each Tuesday by subscribing today!

Guide to Fundraising During COVID-19

Great Fundraising Posts

Grant Application Basics: A Guide for Nonprofits

Tim Forbes (Soapbox Engage)

Grants are an essential tool for nonprofit fundraising. This blog post breaks down the basics of grants, and offers insider tips for starting your application.

Perfecting the Online Donor Experience: 4 Strategies

Peggah Azarvash (The Fundraising Coach)

In 2021, online giving increased by 9% across the nonprofit sector. It’s clear that online giving is a cornerstone of fundraising, which makes it imperative that nonprofits have a seamless online giving experience. This blog post offers tips to make sure that’s the case!

Think You're Not a Writer? Your Guide to Writing a Great Fundraising Appeal

Vanessa Chase Lockshin (The Storytelling Non-Profit)

A well written fundraising appeal is key to bringing in donations. But, you’re a nonprofit professional, not a writer! Maybe writing isn’t your strength. Luckily, in this blog post Vanessa breaks down how to write a brilliant fundraising appeal that anyone would be proud of.

4 Things to Know About Fundraising in This Economy

Jeff Brooks (Future Fundraising Now)

The state of the economy right now and the uncertainty of what’s to come is certainly enough to make a fundraising professional feel anxious. If you’re worried about what this economy will do for your fundraising, check out this blog post with tips!

How Confident Is Your Fundraising Posture?

Jim Langley (Market Smart)

It’s imperative that your donors trust you and your organization, so they feel like giving their money is a good investment. In order to encourage their trust, you need to display confidence. In this blog post, Jim offers some tips for a more confident fundraising posture.

6 Easy Steps to Boost Donor Acquisition

Mike Alonzo (nonprofit hub)

Donor acquisition is a topic that keeps nonprofit professionals up at night. Only 20% of first time donors become recurring donors, which means fundraising professionals must constantly be acquiring new donors. In this post, Mike offers 6 steps to boost donor acquisition.

4 Steps to Build a Planned Giving Society

Amanda L. Cole (NonProfitPro)

Asking for planned gifts isn’t easy for every nonprofit professional. But a planned gift has a big impact on your organization, and they might not come from the donors you expect. In this blog post, Amanda offers 4 steps to help you build a planned giving society.

The Sky Is Not Falling: A Look at the So-Called “Giving Crisis” in Philanthropy

Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels (Veritus Group)

This blog post offers more insight and assurance to those who are worried about the economy and its impact on fundraising. Richard and Jeff remind us of what motivates fundraising, and how those things have little to do with the economy at all.

How Nonprofits Can Advertise A Fundraising Campaign: Tips For Success

Juhi Sharma (give central)

In this blog post, Juhi provides essential tips for planning an advertising strategy that will ensure your next fundraising campaign is a success.

Guide to Fundraising During COVID-19