Fundraising Weekly - July 5, 2022

Issue 101

Happy July, fundraisers! We’ve made it to the new quarter, which also means we are officially halfway through 2022! If that sentence makes you uneasy, know you are not alone. It’s no secret that the latter half of the year is largely spent prepping and running year-end fundraising campaigns that are essential to nonprofits’ and charities’ functions year-round. But take a deep breath, make sure you enjoy the summer months, and know this community has your back!

What are some topics you would like to hear about as you start to brainstorm and plot out your year-end fundraising campaigns? Feel free to hit that “Reply” button, and we’ll be sure to include your topics in the upcoming newsletter editions!

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Great Fundraising Posts

A Complete Guide to Meaningful Nonprofit Storytelling

Ryan Felix (Soapbox Engage)

Most of us love a good story in any format–movies, books, television series, or even listening to a riveting presentation. We naturally gravitate toward storytelling that pulls at our emotions and engages our imagination. For nonprofits, in particular, storytelling can help your organization connect with current and potential donors, making your name and cause more memorable. Creating an emotional impact can also boost your calls to action for the audiences that receive your communications. This article offers powerful insights into why storytelling is critical, what platforms to use for storytelling, and best practices.

Job Hunting? 10 Warning Signs When You’re Interviewing at a Non-Profit

Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels (Veritus Group)

As with many industries, there are many job openings in the fundraising and nonprofit world right now. You may be one of the thousands of fundraisers interviewing for a new job. Fundraising experts, Richard and Jeff are hearing from development professionals who recently accepted new jobs that they're regretting the decision. Many jumped at opportunities to earn a more livable wage, only to find out it's not a "hybrid" working job as advertised. Others are reporting surprise responsibilities added to their job description after the fact. To help with the job hunting and interview prep, Richard and Jeff offer some warning signs to look out for as you go through the process. Read this blog to learn about some of the "red flags" and warning signs to look out for in your next interview process.

Inspiration and Advice for a New (Fiscal) Year

Marc A. Pitman (The Fundraising Coach)

Many nonprofits use July 1 as their fiscal New Year. A new year is always a great chance for a fresh start. This brief blog offers the best advice from some top fundraising experts about starting well in a new fiscal year.

We’re Halfway Through the Year – Are You Meeting Your Goals So Far?

Ann Green (Ann Green)

We're halfway through 2022–shocking, right?! Where is the time going! The mid-point of the year is always a great time to take a step back and assess your progress to ensure you're on track to meet your fundraising and communication goals for the year. In this time of economic uncertainty, it's more critical than ever to have a strong understanding of your progress and fundraising status. This blog offers some tips and insights about how to do a quality mid-year assessment that will set you up for success in the second half of the year.

Better Fundraising in Today’s Economy

Steven Screen (The Better Fundraising Company)

The turbulent economy and rising inflation are the topics of many blogs and discussions in the nonprofit world these days. Thankfully, experienced development professionals have been through all this before and have insights and wisdom to offer. It starts with staying the course and remaining committed to your mission and your beneficiaries. Head over to this blog for some encouragement and wisdom from seasoned fundraisers about navigating the difficult economic climate.

3 Steps to Acquire High-Value Donors Through Direct Mail

Jennifer Starrett (Heroic Fundraising)

Many development professionals are conditioned to believe that direct mail is not an effective channel for high-value donor acquisition. Really, direct mail acquisition programs can be quite effective at bringing in donors at every level when structured properly. This blog takes a deep dive into direct mail appeals and offers practical adjustments you can make to your existing program to attract more high-value donors.

DON’T Do These 12 Things When Asking for a Major Gift

Amy Eisenstein (Amy Eisenstein)

It's easy to get caught up in all the "shoulds" of fundraising–especially when it comes to major gifts. Because there are so many "shoulds," sometimes it's easier to remember the much shorter "don'ts" list. You probably already know most of these 12 major gifts "don'ts," but a quick refresher is always helpful, especially if you're preparing for a big ask in the near future.

Eff the Ineffable

Mary Cahalane (Hands-On Fundraising)

If you want to be successful as a fundraiser, you need to make the case for giving. You need to explain the WHY behind the invitation to give. "Because we need the money" doesn't quite spark passion or generosity. In this clever blog, Mary connects a passion for the arts with successful fundraising strategies. Check it out for some inspiration and insights into ingredients that make up an effective appeal.

Inflation and Fundraising: What Should You Do?

Jeff Brooks (Future Fundraising Now)

Inflation has been in the news a lot recently–and for good reason! Many development professionals are expressing concern that a shaky stock market and rising inflation might negatively impact fundraising. But that's not necessarily a foregone conclusion! Jeff offers some insights from experienced fundraisers, and encouragement to keep your nerve and press forward despite predictions of a troubled economy.