Fundraising Weekly - Dec 14, 2021

Issue 72

Happy Tuesday! This weekend, as I was walking around the DC holiday market in Penn Quarter, churro in one hand, gifts for my family in the other, I was reflecting on some of my favorite seasonal traditions. Whether you like to take holiday light tours, make old family recipes, or simply enjoy time away from your computer, I hope you are looking forward to something in these final few weeks. They are sure to fly by!

For this week’s newsletter, we take a look at practical strategies for retaining donors after Giving Tuesday, explore why you should consider a communications calendar, and forecast fundraising trends to follow in 2022. Enjoy!

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Great Fundraising Posts

Donor Retention After Giving Tuesday: 6 Practical Strategies

Tim Forbes (Soapbox Engage)

The pressure of Giving Tuesday is over, but the most critical stage has just begun. While many people are motivated to give on major days of giving, we all know that relationships and authentic connection to the cause are the roots of excellent donor retention. It's so easy for Giving Tuesday donors to get lost in the shuffle or overlooked entirely. However, it really is possible to cultivate authentic relationships after people make their first gift on Giving Tuesday. This blog has six steps to boost the retention of Giving Tuesday donors.

[PODCAST] Scrappy Nonprofit Accounting

Katie Appold (Nonprofit Hub)

Like with many things, nonprofits tend to be incredibly self-sufficient when it comes ot accounting. Whether it's because we're trying to do things on a shoestring budget or because we're scrappy that we sometimes take on things we probably shouldn't. While the intentions are good, sometimes the outcome is costly, especially when it comes to finances. Take time to listen to this podcast with accounting expert, Germeen shares some wisdom and best practices for nonprofit accounting and finances.

Prepare for Impact (Reporting)!

Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels (Veritus Group)

Fundraising experts, Richard and Jeff say it's critical to have an impact report that tells donors how their gift made a difference. After all, many supporters who gave throughout the year might be wondering what you accomplished with their donation! This makes it difficult to ask for a year-end donation if you haven't yet created your impact report. If this is a situation you find yourself in, this blog offers some practical workarounds.

14 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self

Vu (Nonprofit AF)

Vu has quite a lot of experience in the nonprofit and fundraising world and many people ask what they would do differently given the chance to go back a few years. While it might not be possible to travel back in time, it's possible to learn from others! Check out this blog where Vu shares fourteen things she would tell their younger self.

Remote Donor Management: How to Engage Donors from Afar

Top Nonprofits Contributor (Top Nonprofits)

One thing that's become more clear than ever during the pandemic is that relationships are essential in fundraising. Forming those relationships takes time, thought, intentionality, and strategy to engage your supporters, especially when you can't always meet in person. Even when we finally leave social distancing in the past, we can learn valuable lessons about how to engage with remote donors. Take a look at this blog to dive into some strategic ways to connect with remote donors and help them see the value of your mission.

5 Things to Keep in Mind During the Supply Chain Shortages

Megan Carder, VP & Managing Director (Heroic Fundraising)

We've all probably heard about the extensive impact of the supply chain issues and material shortages. Some nonprofits are feeling the crunch as they plan their direct mail campaigns as paper and other supplies are coming into short supply now. Have no fear! Here are five things you can do to navigate limited supplies or other challenges.

Major Donor Focus: Getting the Gift Before Dec. 31

Jim Shapiro (The Better Fundraising Company)

Though there are only a few weeks left in the year, there's still time to raise a significant amount of money from major donors. Jim shares two simple but effective strategies that you can use to give your nonprofit the best chance at receiving some year-end gifts from major donors.

Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Communications Calendar

Ann Green (Ann Green)

It's critical to keep in touch with your supporters throughout the year. People DO want to hear from you, but they don't want to get blasted with fundraising appeals at certain times of the year. A donor communication calendar can help you stay engaged throughout the year and plan what kinds of communication to send–including the right balance of thank yous, updates, and appeals. This blog will help you create a communications calendar for your upcoming year.

6 Definitive Fundraising Trends to Follow in 2022

Amy Eisenstein (Amy Eisenstein)

Though we're still in the midst of the year-end fundraising craze, it's not too early to start pondering how your fundraising went this past year and what you might want to do differently in 2022. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. This blog has some fundraising trends you should consider incorporating into your 2022 fundraising plan.