PUB Crawl for February 20, 2017

With the temperature hitting 70F this week in DC, I'm starting to question the wisdom of ol' Punxsutawney Phil, who I spoke so glowingly about a few weeks ago. Come on Phil! Nonetheless, I will find a way to persevere and prepare for the early overtaking of DC by cheery blossom tourists. Also, if I must, I have a feeling this means nice lunchtime walks through Dupont Circle...burrito in tow.

My advice to you: if you're finding the weather to be unusually warm this season, make whatever you're drinking this morning on the rocks (a simple airport iced coffee for me today), and dive deep into this week’s Salesforce knowledge!

Cherry blossoms

Don't forget, you can have the goodness of the PUB Crawl delivered into your inbox each Monday morning by subscribing today!

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Great Posts from the Salesforce Power of Us Hub

  1. Do you keep your program data separate from your donor info?
    Elizabeth Most (Dream Catchers)

    Does donor and program data go together like peanut butter and jelly, or oil and water? Read on!

  2. Best Practice on Deleting old (archived) Activities?
    Michael Kolodner (Spark Program)

    You don't need a library science degree to organize and archive your Salesforce tasks. Here's a strategy to get you started.

  3. Household Accounts vs Native Relate Contact to Multi Accounts
    Heath Parks (Cincinnati Works)

    Connecting Contacts to multiple Accounts might be a common practice now in the Enterprise Edition of Salesforce now, but is it the best approach for non-profit organizations that are not using Household Accounts in the NPSP?

  4. [VIDEO] How to Make 2017 Your Best Fundraising Year Ever
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    Our little encore video of the one webinar your fundraising team should watch to prepare for a successful 2017 development year. It's not too late to work on your planning!

  5. Disablement of TLS 1.0 deadline updated
    Alicia Schmidt (

    The TLS 1.0 disablement date has been moved to July 22, 2017. Don't wait until your ice cream is melting this summer to get started on your preparations, though. Learn how you can complete the transition for your team today!

  6. Looking for best practices for donations from Organizations
    Emily Kranz (Greensboro Jewish Federation)

    Donations that originate with organizations can be a bit trickier to tackle in the NPSP than standard individual donations. Learn how the NPSP assists in recording this type of donation.

  7. Trailhead Superbadges are Really Super
    Justin Edelstein (Arkus, Inc)

    Salesforce turns up the volume on the Trailhead badging system to 11 by introducing Superbadges. Aside from the obvious superpower you'll obtain, learn what they are and how they're different from standard badges.

  8. Security health check
    Nitzan Marinov (The Children's Society)

    Before you throw your hands in the air yelling "it's just too complex!" after trying to keep up with your security measures in Salesforce, learn now the Salesforce platform's own security health check can help keep your sanity. Note: this is different than the NPSP health check, but is a great combo offering from Salesforce!

Great Events for the Salesforce Nonprofit Community

  1. NPSP Day Minneapolis - Fri, Feb 24
    Ryan Ozimek (Soapbox Engage)

    The next NPSP Day is only a few days away. Get ready for a day of event fun with your fellow community members in Minneapolis!

  2. NPSP Community Sprint - March 21-22
    Judi Sohn (

    The next NPSP community sprint registration is filling up, so register today for two days of learning, networking, and community building in Baltimore.

  3. HUB Office Hours - Fri, Feb 24 @ 12pm ET
    Caroline Renard (Technology Interpreter for Arts Groups)

    Get ready for a fun "Reporting Tips and Tricks" session with your community friends Aiden Martin, Emily Hinck, and Russ Feldman.

  4. San Diego Nonprofit Success Tour - Fri, Feb 24 @ 3:30pm PT
    Melissa Barber (North Peak)

    If you're lucky enough to live in the San Diego region, consider yourself doubly lucky to have the North Peak folks share information about the NPSP on Friday!

Great Ideas for Nonprofits Using Salesforce

  1. Customize payment automation by stage
    Julia Jamnejad (Pacific Council on International Policy)

    Just because you mark an Opportunity as Closed Won, that might not mean that the Payment associated with it needs to be marked as Paid. How about we give some controls to the administrator for this?