March Madness causes productivity to plunge by $1.2B; penguin and his nonprofit stay efficient with Salesforce and Soapbox Engage

March Madness is upon us and the statisticians at Challenger, Gray, and Christmas LLC are predicting it will cost employers more than $1.2B in employee productivity.

Phil March Madness

Phil Penn Gwynn, Online Communications Director / Bookkeeper / Database Administrator / Webmaster / Video Blogger for, isn't worried, though:

With Soapbox Engage integrating our website with Salesforce, the efficiency gains we achieve with online donations, event management, and our self-service member portal far surpass the hours lost with me...uh, I mean, members of our team...distracted by the NCAA tournament.

Interested in how your nonprofit can become more efficient and effective by integrating your website with Salesforce? Contact us!