Ring in the New Year with first NTEN Happy Hour of 2013!

As the DC NTEN Happy Hour coordinator, I'm always looking for new places to have events, new speakers for said events, and new ideas for making these events the best ever.

So I couldn't resist when Ryan Ozimek, PICnet's very own CEO, not only offered up the PICnet offices for an NTEN Happy Hour but also volunteered to speak at the event. I knew that this would be a great way to ring in the new year of NTEN Happy Hours.

I hope you agree and will join me next Thursday, January 24, 2013 from 6 - 8 pm at PICnet's DC offices at 1605 Connecticut Ave. NW Third Floor.  Ryan will be discussing new ways to engage your online supporters in 2013. So if you want to know more, or if you want to pop by to meet and greet other members of NTEN, please RSVP here.

We'll have complimentary drinks and snacks, so I hope to see you there!