B Corporations Helping B Corporations: Back to the Roots

As many of you know, PICnet is a B Corporation, a socially responsible business with the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit. We're grateful to be a part of an amazing group of businesses who are similar-minded.

One of those businesses is PICnet-client Back to the Roots (BTTR). Back to the Roots was founded by two UC Berkeley students, Alejandro Velez & Nikhil Arora, who were inspired to make a product from used coffee grounds. What they came up with was a mushroom kit where, in as little as 10 days, you can grow your own mushrooms from your kitchen windowsill! Skeptical? I was too…until we experimented in the DC office and got fabulous results. I even made myself a mushroom and cheese omelet with mushrooms from the kit!

Back to the Roots mushroom kit

So it’s not surprising, then, that BTTR is working on a new product – a Home Aquaponics Kit – which allows you to grow a variety of vegetables and herbs from a fish tank. Yes, you heard right, a fish tank! They explain it all (much better than I could) and even started a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for this awesome invention. While they've achieved their goal (and then some), there is still 1 more day left to give donations. So feel free to make a donation (big or small) for this unique home garden.

We’re so excited for BTTR as they begin this new adventure with their Home Aquaponics Kit. Congrats on the successful Kickstarter campaign, and if you’re ever looking for people to continue testing out the garden aspect of the kit, we’d be happy to grow some beans and herbs in our DC office!