A thank you note to our friend, Holly Ross

Holly RossMany people come and go in our technology world. That's the way it works. It's a environment ripe for temporary transplants to make a splash, wash up on the shore, and move on. Rare are the folks that stick around for the long-haul, making substantial impacts on the way organizations use and collaborate around technology.

One of those rare folks is Holly Ross.

When I learned about Holly's departure today from the Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (N-TEN), I couldn't help but flashback to 2004 (maybe it was earlier, but I don't want to date either of us). I'd met a few times with Ed Batista, who was the Executive Director of NTEN at the time, and he introduced me to Holly.

We went out for lunch near the N-TEN SF offices, and from our first conversation, I knew that Holly was in it for the marathon, not the sprint. She was so passionate about the work of N-TEN in its early days, it was obvious that she was going to make a significant difference.

Three executive directors and some years later, Holly has been the heart and soul of N-TEN for me ever since that first lunch. She's an inclusive spirit, someone always looking for opportunities to bring people together. She's a fun person, always smiling and laughing. And most importantly, she's a strong-willed advocate and support of changemakers in our sector.

N-TEN has evolved considerably since its early days, and Holly's fingerprints are all over its increased effectiveness. Her departure marks a significant change in the organization, during a time where it's likely ready to move to its next generation of leadership. While it won't be the same without Holly leading the charge, I'm confident that N-TEN will continue to thrive with the great team of players (and penguins) they have playing the field.

It's truly been an honor and a pleasure working with Holly in her N-TEN capacity through the years. Her attitude towards life and our sector has definitely shaped the way in which our team has been able to contribute back to the N-TEN community, and has created an environment of success within N-TEN itself.

@Holly: from everyone at the PICnet team, thank you so much for your incredible contributions to the nonprofit technology world. Your stewardship has lead to increased nonprofit effectiveness, and your legacy will be carried on through the mission and team at N-TEN. We're going to miss you, but we're happy to see you'll be joining our open source world.

Next time we're in SF at the same time, lunch at Little Delhi is on me.  The good old stories are on you.