B Lab leads the way with Salesforce-powered search directories

Benefit Corporations are no stranger to being ahead of the curve, and that especially true for B Lab’s new website that spotlights these trailblazing organizations. For those of you who haven’t heard the word about Benefit Corporations, they are a “new class” of corporation that are re-imagining the way that business does business in order to affect positive change in the world.


If you’d like to see a list of this growing community of socially responsible businesses, the new BenefitCorp.net website will grant that wish. And given that their Benefit Corp search directory is fed live from B Lab’s CRM database—Salesforce.com— you’ll be able to see the list automagically grow almost before your eyes as more and more organizations join the ranks.


You can also explore B Lab’s other resources such as a directory of attorneys that help organizations pursue Benefit Corp status or a list of third party standards relevant for current Benefit Corps.

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These search directories are powered by PICnet’s homegrown Salesforce Search tool which allows you to pull data from any one object in Salesforce to your website, removing the need to update lists in multiple places. -With Salesforce Search, your Salesforce instance can act as your database of record for your website to display lists of members, recent donors, pledge signers, even images or files from your Salesforce instance!

Contact us to learn how your website can get in on this love with our Salesforce Search tool.

-If you’re not already using Salesforce.com, visit the Salesforce Foundation’s website to learn more about how your organization can get started with this amazing CRM tool. And since it’s donated to 501(c)(3) organizations, and deeply discounted for certified B Corps, there’s no reason to wait!

-Visit B Lab’s website to learn more about socially responsible businesses.

Did we mention that PICnet has been a proud B Corp since 2010?