Register Now for the Bay Area Nonprofit Technology Teach-In

Bay Area non-profit techies, mark January 18th on your calendars! Our friends at Aspiration have partnered with Community Technology Network to hold a no cost nonprofit technology training at the Google campus in Mountain View, CA on January 18th.-

This Nonprofit Technology Teach-In aims to help you learn new techniques and best practices to take advantage of online tools for your work. Aspiration events are famously hands-on, highly interactive and follow a question-driven format.

Together you’ll tackle the following questions:

  • How can I write a good email message and send it to thousands of folks?
  • How can I track where my nonprofit and issues are being mentioned online?
  • How can I use social media to support campaigns and advocacy?
  • How can I better organize my online communications?

If you’d like to suggest a topic, contact

Space is limited, so register today!

Bring your questions and stories for a fun, collaborative day designed to meet your specific nonprofit technology needs. Click here for more information

Our thanks to the Aspiration team for sharing this wonderful opportunity!   Learn more about Aspiration