The Drops Fill Buckets Difference

With the new year approaching, you may be considering a fresh start for your organization’s website. Updating your design can be a great way to reinvigorate your site and attract more attention to your cause.

PICnet client Drops Fill Buckets (DFB) recently undertook a redesign to kick off their next organizational growth spurt … and the result is stunning! As an organization committed to “empowering individuals to raise money for tangible local and international needs that they personally care about,” their website is a critical piece in the puzzle for their mission. DFB’s site serves as a hub for team fundraising by enabling their organizers to plan events, leverage sponsors, and motivate friends and family to support projects.

Drops Fill Buckets Screenshot

Drops Fill Buckets encourages its volunteers to make a visible impact, and in the same vein, their own website needs to have a visible impact of its own! DFB’s brand-new design embraces their unique impact-driven, entrepreneurial approach to making a difference.  Executive Director Addie deHilster shares her thoughts:

“Non-Profit Soapbox really helped us create a new website that not only looks modern, but is a much better statement about who we are as an organization, and what we aspire to be.   Their designer did a great job of taking what we said we wanted and translating it into a great visual concept that’s easy to navigate.   We’ve been getting plenty of compliments on the new site ever since we launched it.”

Explore their site and just try to stay away from that donate button, I dare you.  :) Once you learn about their critical projects to empower youth, comfort sick children, fight AIDS, and clean water you’ll understand how a winning design plus a compelling mission packs a big punch.