You're invited to our NTC 2011 party!

With the 2011 Non-Profit Technology Conference (NTC) happening in our backyard this week, we thought it would be a good idea to do a little PICnet style celebration while our friends and clients are all in Washington DC.

On Friday, March 18, from 8pm until they tell us to quiet down because we're having too much fun, you're invited to join your PICnet friends and Phil the Accidental Techie (penguin!) at our official NTC party in Dupont Circle. We'll be at One Lounge, 1606 20th St, NW, just three short blocks away from the Hilton where the NTC will be held. First drink is on us!

For our NCAA basketball tourney friends that will need their fix after being away from the TV all day, we'll have the tournament on as well.


Spread the word, bring a friend, and get ready for a good time!