
Engage your grantees

Transform how your foundation connects with grantees online to supercharge engagement efforts with real-time integration with Salesforce.

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Fast solutions for foundations

  • grant applications
  • grantee reporting forms
  • grantee portal
  • grantee contact information update forms

Your transactions saved straight to Salesforce

With Soapbox Donations, your transactions are processed on your website and saved directly to Salesforce, radically reducing overhead so you can spend more time on your mission.

Associate each payment form with a Campaign in Salesforce for easy reporting. Automatically match payments with existing Contacts or create new ones when none exist - all through Salesforce apps designed to work with the Enterprise Edition and Nonprofit Success Pack, and lightweight enough to keep your instance uncluttered.

Powerful marketing data delivered directly to Salesforce

Easily create tracking URLs for use across different marketing campaigns and channels that are recorded with each donation to provide powerful business intelligence directly in Salesforce - all so you can quickly determine what's working and refine efforts for maximum results.

Freedom of choice

Select from, Braintree, CyberSource, iATS Payments, PayPal Website Payments Pro, or TouchNet for seamless payment processing, or allow visitors to donate using their own PayPal account.

Your brand on any device

Opt to use our standard template with a custom site header for a cost-conscious approach, or choose to replicate the design of your existing website to offer a seamless, secure end user experience that highlights your organization's brand. Benefit from Soapbox Engage's mobile-friendly design to allow visitors to give to your organization on any device.

Leverage these solutions today!

“As a foundation focused on advancing the positive role of business in society, it was important to us to work with an interactive partner who shares our values. Still, talent, creativity and outstanding service were equally important attributes for a potential partner. We were delighted to find all of these in Soapbox Engage.”

Barbara Dyer, President and CEO, Hitachi Foundation