"In Memory Of" Donation Form

Accept donations in memory of someone special

When your members or supporters make a donation, they have a reason. It could be a personal connection, an issue they care about, or even in memory of someone important in their life. Your staff would like to accept donations “in memory of” on your website. To do this, you would need a tool on your website, a payment processor, a system to follow-up with donors, and more. Most of the solutions you have seen so far don't integrate with the branding of your current site, and they store data only on their platform. This is not convenient when the rest of your data is stored in Salesforce.com.

With the Soapbox Engage apps, anyone on your team can can create “in memory of” donation forms for your site. The donation forms integrate seamlessly into your current site because you can customize the form to match. The forms will send the data to Salesforce.com in real-time, so you will be have accurate records in the same place as your other data. You will be able to customize form fields so users can include information about the honoree. Users will be pleased to help your organization in the name of someone memorable.


  • Process payments for postings with multiple credit card payment gateways like PayPal, Authorize.net, Braintree, and Cyber Source
  • Optimized for viewing on desktop, tablet, and mobile screens
  • Design that matches your website and branding
  • Complete customization of form fields
  • Real-time integration with Salesforce

Ready to accept contributions in honor of someone special? Contact us and we'll show you the next steps to enact a streamlined process today!

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Apps to grow your organization

From fundraising to advocacy, Soapbox Engage apps will help your organization shine. Even better, it’s fully integrated with Salesforce.com.

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Jonathan Vaughn, Cambridge in America

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Emily Chow, Latin America Working Group

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