Protect your Salesforce org from spam with one simple trick

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With so many new ways to start connecting your website’s online experience with Salesforce, there’s one really important thing to know: the spammers have already begun their attack on your Salesforce account.

Eeeek! How do we protect your Salesforce account from these nefarious hackers? Roll up your virtual sleeves, because we’re going to get ready to build a shield of protection for your Salesforce org.

Door lock

It’s time to build a honey pot!

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Increase Salesforce community engagement without pressing a key using drip marketing

There’s an endless opportunity to reach out to your community through email marketing, but limited hours in the day to do it. How do you increase your engagement levels without increasing the level of effort needed to do it?

Most people think that in order to have an automated email marketing system with Salesforce, you need to spend a lot of money on a big complex marketing tool. Not true! Built right into Salesforce is something called “timed workflows”, which is a gem of a functionality you can use to send emails without ever needing to click a send button.

Water drip

How? Read on my friend!

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Gain supporters faster by going beyond Salesforce Web-to-Lead forms

In our last thrilling episode, we demystified online payment processing with Salesforce. Done and done! Now, it’s time to chat about how we’re going to help you convert more bystanders into donors...and hopefully evangelists.

Let’s get ready to talk forms!


I often tell organizations to “think beyond the donate button.” The problem is that few visitors are going to come to your website for the first time and say, “I can’t wait to give this organization some money!” Okay, maybe some will, but let’s assume that’s the minority of your visitors.

In one of my earlier posts, we discussed ladders of engagement. These are paths of engagement, moving bystanders to evangelists through a process of simple steps. Now, it’s time to put these ladders to work!

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Raise more money with Salesforce by demystifying online payments

In our last post, we learned about the power of Leads. That’s great for contact data collection, but what about collecting moolah? Benjamins. Cheddar. Dough.

Let’s get more money into your bank account!

The world of online payments can be confusing by itself, without even thinking about how this would integrate with Salesforce. I want to help you understand exactly what’s going on, and how you can make life easy for your donors and staff to raise money for your organization.

Foggy road

I’m going outline how online payments work with Salesforce, step by step, so you can make sure you can find a system that works best for your needs.

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Improve supporter nurturing by making Salesforce Leads your friend

In our last post, we flexed the right-side of our brains. Now it’s time to hit the weights on the left-side and learn about the world of supporter nurturing, Leads, and data cleanliness.

Plant in hands

I know what you’re thinking. “What the heck are Leads? I’m not running a cold call sales center, I’m working at a non-profit and we want to raise money not sell cars.”

I totally understand, and if you’re not already using Leads in Salesforce, I’m here to blow your mind. Ready? Nearly every organization I’ve met can, and should, use Leads. Leads are not about sales. They’re about folks with whom you want to build a relationship but you haven’t qualified yet to determine if a relationship is mutually valuable.

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Get inspired by beautiful website and Salesforce integrations

You’re a learning machine, and in my last post I shared a ton of information about how to make the most of Salesforce Campaigns. Let’s cool the learning jets for a moment, and take a turn down the road of inspiration.

If you’re an organization on a tight budget, you probably don’t have the resources to hire a marketing strategy firm or a creative design agency to help you think outside the box to capture the attention of the world.

Coffee, table, plant

That’s why in this post I’ll show you website integration examples that convert more visitors, drawn from experience with organizations that made deep investments of time and you don’t have to!

Let’s dive in!

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How Salesforce Campaigns can rock your data world

In our last post, we learned about online ladders of engagement, and how simply building online goal paths can lead to increased conversions.

Now it’s time for me to share the insider knowledge of using Salesforce to actually make those conversions happen. Think of it as your personal campaign to tool up on everything you need to encourage the world to join your mission.

Campaign metrics

Best yet, in this post we have a secret that can save your organization 50% on your cost to use Salesforce!

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Simple online engagement secrets every savvy Salesforce organization should know

We want you to know the fast and simple ways you can use Salesforce to help your organization bring in more money, increase your newsletter sign-ups, and have a happier community of supporters.

Let’s get this party started!

Ladder of Engagement

To get started, you need to understand the bedrock of all online marketing for organizations using Salesforce: ladders of engagement. Why? Because Salesforce is just a tool. To really move the needle on engagement, we need to build a unique path to success that works right for your community.

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