payment processors

Posts tagged with payment processors

Four reasons to choose Braintree as payment processor for your nonprofit donations

Braintree logoWith our Soapbox platform offering online payments for donations and events, we've had occasion to chat with nonprofits about various payment processors to choose from. PayPal and are two of the three that work with Soapbox. They are well-known and have a raft of opinions associated with them. Some good and some bad.

The third payment processor Soapbox interfaces with is Braintree, an option lesser known in the nonprofit space. And, while we're not looking to endorse any single provider, Braintree is worthy of consideration for some very good reasons:

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Accepting international payments and recording them in Salesforce

Not to be too brash about it but you want money. Benjamins. Greenbacks. Paper. Cold hard cash. You want it to fund your mission. You want to spend as little of it as possible in staff time to keep track of it. And you don't care in which country the individual giving you that money lives.

Now, neither does Soapbox.

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Smarter secure payment forms and real time Salesforce integration

Non-Profit Soapbox can be your cash register. Want to accept donations or member dues or payments for event registrations without having your donor or member or attendee ever leave your site? Yep, you can do that. Our tools are tight with PayPal,, and Braintree so it all happens behind the scenes and you keep your visitor your visitor - rather than shuffling them off elsewhere.

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