PUB Crawl for October 6, 2015

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the PUB Crawl! I'll be sharing the top items discussed in the Salesforce Foundation's Power of Us Hub ("PUB"). Why? Well, I'm reading the entire PUB anyway, so I figured, heck why not pass some kernels of knowledge to my amigos?

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Let's belly-up, and dive right into it!

  1. URL Hack vs Publisher Action - where are we going? John Fine (Hood River County School District Foundation) You know those custom buttons you have on your page layouts? They're going away in Lightning! What shall we do?
  2. Trailhead for non-profits is released Megan Himan (BrightStep Partners) It's time for our non-profit community to pave its own Trailhead to success! Get started learning more about how non-profits can best use Salesforce.
  3. What causes certain emails to go to spam? Marisa Stam (Selamta Family Project) Being marked as spam is the worst fear of fundraising and marketing folks. How do you avoid it?
  4. How do I move components from Sandbox into production? Debbie LaRocque (Federated Dorchester Neighborhood Houses) If you make changes for your sandbox, and you want to move them into production, how do you do it?
  5. Looking for non-profit starter pack sample data Jessie Rymph (Seattle University) Want some sample data to help your team learn about the Nonprofit Starter Pack? Read on!

That's all for this week! Did I miss something? Have any tips or suggestions? Send all tip jar suggestions to me at

Keep soaking up the goodness!