Food and income security for farmers in Africa

2Seeds uses Soapbox Engage to connect with donors to incubate small, efficient, and effective agricultural development projects

2Seeds Network is lifting local communities in Tanzania out of extreme poverty. Working together with rural farmers, volunteers address the issue of food and income security with projects that increase productivity and provide ways for farmers to earn more money.

Most importantly, 2Seeds is focused on building human capital and creating spaces in which people can develop strong relationships and solve problems together.

“With Soapbox Engage I can spend much less time manually tracking our fundraising and much more time on outreach and other key priorities for 2Seeds’ growth”

Amy Baker, Executive Director, 2Seeds

Less paper pushing, more mission movement

“Prior to using Soapbox Engage, my team and I used to spend close to 50% of my time during our fundraising months processing and recording donations and issuing receipts,” explains Executive Director Amy Baker. “We have 20 full-time volunteers in Africa and I am the only staff person in the office, so it is really great that with Soapbox Engage I can spend much less time manually tracking our fundraising and much more time on outreach and other key priorities for 2Seeds’ growth.”

Soapbox Engage allows 2Seeds to manage a high volume of one-time and recurring donations and it has been a huge time saver for the organization.

Building a sustaining donor base with Soapbox Engage

Another of the biggest advantages they have seen has been an increase in the number of recurring donors. When a donor has a personal relationship with a volunteer who is completing a year-long project through 2Seeds, the donor is excited to give every month to support that project, and Soapbox Engage makes it easy for a donor to set up a recurring donation.

“Our Project Coordinators get people excited and then can easily turn that excitement into donations,” says Baker.

A partnership for a purpose

In the strong alignment between PICnet and 2Seeds’ missions, Baker sees an opportunity to work with a team that understands her goals to ensure her success moving forward.

“Every single person I’ve worked with at PICnet has just been stellar and so easy to talk to. My favorite thing about talking to Ryan was that the size of our budget never changed how we were treated as a customer. We’ve recommended Soapbox Engage to lot of people and we’re looking forward to digging into the other features.”